
Showing posts from October, 2017

Engaging Associates have the best Washington DC Wedding Planners for your Wedding

Congrats on your engagement! Planning a wedding will be one of the most exciting times in your life; but, it can also be a bit stressful. Take full advantage of all the perks that come along with being engaged, such as attending wedding showcases, food and cake tastings, and dress or tuxedo shopping with friends. Once you’re ready to start planning your wedding, you may be faced with the question, “Where do I start?” Well,trust us; you're not the only one! Wedding planning has its highs and it can have its lows, but there’s good news: planning helps massively. To help you get started on your wedding planning journey, Washington DC Wedding Planners at Engaging Associates have listed a few tips to help you feel more prepared and sorted out for all the good times! First, take a seat with your fiance (yes, he or she should be included in the decision making process) to talk about the kind of wedding you both want and how much you’re willing to spend. Your partner may not